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Passeggiata Preparata w/ Federico Poni @Vena / Habitat / Sovrapposizioni 01/09/24, Tredozio (FC).

Event info


w/ CLOUDWATCHERS, @Magica Mistica Musica 14/08/24, Provincia di Reggio Calabria.

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Love Me Radically, @Now Music Festival, by Bluering Improvisers 24/08/24, Sovicille (SI).

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W/ Andrea Fabris as ThePartyOfSpecialThingsToDo @Tempo Reale, 03/07/24, Florence.

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Music for Browsers Workshop @Mac Studi d'Artista, 22/05/24, Padova.

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Love Me Radically for ESO @Assab One, 12/05/24, Milan.

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Love Me Radically for Space Factory @Labas, Municipio Sociale Autogestito, 27/04/24, Bologna.

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Sound design for L'EBBREZZA DISTRUTTIVA DI UNA SCIMMIA CAPPUCCINA (by the mighty Jacopo Giacomoni), @Spazio X 15/03/24, Treviso.

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Love Me Radically, and some impro w/ CLOUDWATCHERS, @Associazione Culturale Spiazzi 16/02/24, Venice.

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Love Me Radically, @Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano in the occasion of MAC STUDI D'ARTISTA - AL CENTRO, Le pratiche contemporanee di Piazza De Gasperi 13 si presentano alla città, 14/12/23, Padua.

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Love Me Radically, @Spazio X, 26/11/23, Treviso.

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Love Me Radically, for Ugo Carmeni's Venice Mapping Time Exhibition @Museo di Palazzo Grimani, 28/10/23, Venice


w/ Cristiano Bocci, Alessandro Ciccarelli, Giovanni Falascone, Andrea Fabris @Spazio Pontano 35, 27/10/23, Milan


"Passeggiata Preparata" w/ Lorenzo Travaglini and Federico Poni @Habitare, Nuove Prospettive Cult(r)urali, 23/07/23, Habitat, Tredozio(FC)


Love Me Radically performed @Associazione About, 13/07/23, Venice


Love Me Radically performed @Associazione MetaForte, 09/07/23, Venice


Sound design for "Venice Mapping Time", A/V Installation w/ Federico Poni and Ugo Carmeni @Museo di Palazzo Grimani, 05/07 - 26/11/23, Venice


Love Me Radically performed @Circolo Nadir, 20/05/23, Padua


As Cloudwatchers for Aizenev Festival, 02-04/05/23, Venice


As Late People Sushi for, 24/04/23, Milan


"Annares" with BlueRing Electronics is out on Elli Records, 14/04/23


Selected for participation in the Glitch Party - TRK. Glitch Club #8 | Arnaud Rivière - Tempo Reale, 13/04/23 Limonaia di Villa Strozzi, Florence


Beat(s)me selected for New Electronic Arts Trieste Festival 2022 @ Conservatorio "G. Tartini" 20/12/22, Trieste


Beat(s)me selected for Living Lab Music 9 @ PASE 10/11/22, Venice


"Passaggio Obbligato" presented @ Het HEM for the Sonology Sound Installation Class 27-29/05/22, Amsterdam, NL


W/ Andrea Fabris as ThePartyOfSpecialThingsToDo @LUme 22/10/21, Milan


Challenge Accepted executed w/ Berardo Di Mattia (percussion) for the Chigiana International Festival, Siena, 04/08/21,


"Selected Chance Operations" w/ Nina Baietta, @ TM Festival, for Taverna Maderna and YuccaFest, Padua


W/ CLoudwatchers, @ Argo16, for Quarta Parete Venezia, 02/07/21, Venice


W/ Federico Poni, screening of Con/te from 03/05/21 untill 9/05/21, Ventunesimo, Turin


W/ Andrea Fabris as ThePartyOfTheSpecialThingsToDo for Associazione Awai, 02/07/2020, Venice



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Alessandro Gambato, 2024 ©