Selected results of the workshop are catalogued below.
Note that the workshop follows a learning curve for participants that has a pedagogical function, so the outcomes of major musical interest are usually the last exercises/recordings.

Binaural audio please use headphones

Selected Workshop Results @Liceo Marco Polo, Venice

The label "take 1,2,3" refers to the different grade of students involved in the execution (III, I, IV)

Continuos White Noise (take2)

Continuos White Noise (take3)

Hyper Simple (take1)

Hyper Simple (take2)

Hyper Simple (take3)

Pentagintonic (take1)

Pentagintonic (take2)

Pentagintonic (take3)

The Woodpecker (take1)

The Woodpecker (take2)

The Woodpecker (take3)

"070" (take1)

Pentapartito (take1)

Eptapartito (take3)

The Modulable Woodpecker (take1)

The Modulable Woodpecker (take2)

The Modulable Woodpecker (take3)

The Modulable Pentatonic Woodpecker (take1)

The Modulable Pentatonic Woodpecker (take2)

The Modulable Pentatonic Woodpecker (take3)

Acid Phase (take1)

Acid Phase (take2)

Acid Phase (take3)

Selected Workshop Results @Conservatorio C. Pollini, Padua

The label "take 1,2,3,4" refers to the different days of recordings or different number of students involved in the execution

Continuos White Noise

Hyper Simple (take1)

Hyper Simple (take2)

Hyper Simple (take3)

Hyper Simple (take4)


The Woodpecker (take1)

The Woodpecker (take2)


Dorian Mule


The Modulable Woodpecker

The Modulable Pentatonic Woodpecker



Acid Phase

Ricercata 7


CONTACT: info[at]alessandrogambato[dot]it

Alessandro Gambato, 2024 ©