The Stones of Venice

Sound Design for A/V Enviromental Installation
(Puredata, UDOO single board computer), 22 June, Venice Art Night 2019
[All the credits to Ugo Carmeni
Critical text: Chiara Marin
Video editor: Francesca Granata
A special thanks to Giulia Busnengo]

"When we build, let us think that we build forever"
John Ruskin
"This place seems like an incomparable dream from which the world, one morning or another, will have to wake up, and then it will understand that, after all, it was just a dream and that such a city never existed"
Wiliam Dean Howells

Installation view, Giudecca 2019

Installation view, Giudecca 2019

Installation view, Giudecca 2019

Installation view, Giudecca 2019

Installation view - General view of the installation, Giudecca, 2019

Exposed @ Ugo Carmeni Studio, Ex Cantiere Lucchese, Isola della Giudecca 604/m


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